Chicken Wiggle Recipe
Chicken Wiggles. Write Review. Add Your Own Photo to this Recipe. 5m PT5M Prep Time. 15m PT15M Cook Time. Chicken Wiggle. My brother gave me my mom's recipe box a while back. I thought you might enjoy one of my grandma's tradional dishes that.
. Vanguard princess en español. Heat the if necessary and add a splash of water to the base. Scrunch up some foil to make a trivet to sit in the base of the bowl to rest the chicken on.
Put the chicken into the pot and season the skin. Cover and cook on Low for 5 hours or until the leg or wing feels very loose when you wiggle it. Tip the juices inside the chicken out as you lift it out.Brown the chicken skin under the grill or carve the chicken before anyone sees it. Spoon the liquid out of the base of the pan to use as gravy, there won't be much but it will have a good flavour. I cook my chicken in the slow cooker but I put it on a bed of veg. You can use carrots, onions, potatoes celery, and you do not need a lot. Just slice them so they sit on the bottom of the slow cooker.When the chicken is cooked, tip all the veg into a pan, and any bits of meat that have fallen off the chicken.Mash it up, add a little flour, stir around, then add stock, I usually use vegetable bouillon or organic chicken stock cubes.
Bubble away until it is your preferred thickness. Sieve through a fine sieve and serve. I sometimes add a dash of white wine. Marksburg castle photos.