Toys Popular Today

Monster hunter tri. The most valuable toys from your childhood could be sitting in your attic or parents' basement right now. And you'd never know it. Read and see if you happen to have one of these toys lying around.

The last thing on any child's mind when they go to the toy store is the future resale value of their desired teddy bear or action figure. For the most part, kids tend to drool on and drop their toys so much that there's little to no chance of reselling them anyway—but in certain lucky circumstances, children will take good care of their belongings, and may even find out decades down the road that they're actually worth something.If you happened to hold on to your old Barbie dolls and Polly Pockets and they're in good condition, then you might be surprised to learn that those silly vintage toys are actually worth a pretty penny today. Herein, we've rounded up some childhood relics that remain valuable. And for more things that you might be able to sell, check out the. Garbage Pail Kids Card Image via eBayIn the mid-1980s, the Garbage Pail Kids trading cards were so popular that many schools had to Of course, many kids chose to use their trading cards as stickers on their binders or bedroom walls, but if you were one of the few who kept theirs in mint condition, then you can sell them online for quite a bit more than you paid back in the day. An original 'Adam Bomb' card, for instance, is worth as much as And for more ways to pad your bank account, don't miss the.

One Hundred Years of Solitude Image via eBayFirst published in English in 1970, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is considered to be one of the most important works to have emerged from the Latin American Boom, but that's not what makes it so valuable. When it was first published, the dust jacket of the book had a misprint—just an exclamation point where a period should have been—and today, that improper punctuation is worth And if you want to expand your literary knowledge, then check out.